Thank you so much for your presence here.
I have been dedicated to the realms of yoga, embodiment and somatics for nearly thirty years and I am committed to sharing intimate, mature and attentive guidance and transmissions with you whilst staying open and curious to all the nuances and revelations that this incredible realm can bring.
Whether it be through custom-crafted personal sessions and mentoring, carefully curated ateliers and retreats, or in-depth trainings and immersions, my commitment is to broadening and deepening your experience of Soma.
What is Soma?
I conceive of Soma as the body imbued with soul. It is an endlessly creative and evolutive realm which acknowledges the porosity and permeability of the body within the subtle and liminal realms of the psyche. It is embodied revelation.
My intention is to keep the teachings and transmissions of Soma accessible and relatable, without diminishing their inherent sacredness. To create a continuity of belonging and appreciation. To encourage subtle awakening and agency through embodied wisdom and accountability.
I look forward to sharing and evolving with you.
With love,
In the spirit of ongoing research and ever-evolving creativity, I am currently immersed in the early stages of several new projects and creative collaborations. This phase embodies a sense of depth, patience, and trust, akin to a process of maturation.
While focused on these tender and evocative endeavors, my schedule remains open for private sessions and mentoring, both in-person and online. I offer dedicated and refined nurturance to accompany you on your path of yoga, embodiment, and somatics.
I am also touched to be offering live ateliers once again in Lausanne, Switzerland. These sessions are a beautiful way to deepen your relationship to yoga and embodiment, and are havens of serene yet profound encounters with all things Soma.
If you are interested in having me facilitate modules or sessions for your trainings or events, I would be delighted to collaborate. Together, we can explore possibilities and create unique and inspiring experiences. My books are currently open for 2025/2026.
I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter below for the latest updates and insights.